Our Programs
The Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia offers more than 150 programs each month — all provided free of charge — for men, women, and children whose lives have been affected by cancer. Our main categories of offerings (and some example programs from each) are listed below. Please see our program calendar for a complete list of our programs this month.
Support and Networking Groups
Support and Networking Groups allow our members to meet others with similar diagnoses and experiences. These groups offer the chance to share stories, connect with others and obtain resources specific to their cancer diagnoses and experiences.
Examples of Support and Networking Groups:
Living with Cancer Support Group
Includes individuals currently in treatment through 18 months post-treatment. To join, schedule a New Member Meeting.
Living After Cancer Support
Includes individuals more than 18 months post treatments. To join, schedule a New Member Meeting.
Friends & Family Networking Group
Includes friends & family members of individuals in treatment, looking to share resources and support
Bereavement Networking Group
Includes individuals who have lost a loved one (spouse, family, friend) to cancer. To join, schedule a New Member Meeting.
Colorectal Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a colorectal cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Ovarian Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a Ovarian cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Gynecological Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a gynecological cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Brain Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a brain cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Breast Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a breast cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Blood Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a blood cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Prostate Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a prostate cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Metastatic Breast Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Pancreatic Cancer Networking Group
Includes individuals with first-hand knowledge of a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Friends & family members welcome.
Our Lectures and Workshops
Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia utilizes the expertise of countless professionals to provide educational workshops and lectures. Workshops are provided in a relaxed atmosphere where individuals can learn new skills and ask questions. Educational programs utilize an “Empowerment Approach” in which new skills and information is taught that can be incorporated into one’s daily life. Guests are always welcome at educational events. To view previous workshops, please visit our YouTube Channel.
Examples of our lectures and workshops:
digital sherpa®
Physical Therapy Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment
Managing Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

Nutritional Programs
Nutritional Programs are often taught by volunteers or professionals who have a passion for nutrition and cooking and hope to offer their wealth of knowledge to our members who are looking for different dietary options or even simple ideas for foods before, during, and after their cancer journey.
Examples of our lectures and workshops:
Healthy Cooking Around the World
Beat Cancer with Your Fork
Mind-Body Wellness Programs
Mind-Body Wellness programs seek to support our members who want to practice and be mindful of their health in a supportive, group environment. Our programs are taught by professionals or volunteers who want to help members who wish to work on a healthy lifestyle at their own pace.
Examples of our lectures and workshops:
Offer both traditional mat yoga and chair yoga, all instructors offer adaptations for individuals to account for surgery and side effects
Nia Sponsored by Bob Brockman NIA Fund
Holistic dance movement similar to aerobics that incorporates several dance movements and martial arts movements. Generously sponsored by the Bob Brockman NIA Fund.
Tai chi & QiGong
Martial arts that incorporates deep breathing, stretching, and a focus on circulation
Reiki Share
Holistic energy sharing
Workout with mind and body focus, Pilates incorporates stretching and controlled movements to build strength
Creative Expressions Programs
Creative Expressions Programs are run by volunteers and workers who share our members’ passions for arts, crafts, and writing. Our members join us in making new and expressive works to share with the community and each other. Select pieces are showcased here.
Examples of our creative expressions programs:
Writing for Wellness
Singing Circle
Knitting & Needlecrafts
Beading Jewelry
Acrylic Painting

Child & Teen Programs
Our Children & Teen Program is just that — support for children and teenagers who have a diagnosis of cancer or who have loved ones with a diagnosis. We want to address the cancer experience while also allowing kids and teens to express their feelings, network with other kids, and engage in fun activities that we offer at CSCGP.
Examples of our children, teen and family programming:
Kid Support
Support specifically for kids to talk about how they’re feeling. We address common themes of cancer and meet them where they’re at in their experience
Straight Talk About Cancer
Support groups in schools
Holiday Party
Spring Egg Hunt
Movie Nights
Cooking Classes
Kids Yoga
Social Activities
Social Activities are typically available as networking and socializing events for our members to come out and join us for a fun time, or to meet others and share stories and experiences.
Examples of our social opportunities: