Make a Difference

Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia provides all social and emotional support programs free of charge so that there’s never a barrier for anyone who needs cancer support.

This means that we rely entirely on the generosity of wonderful, warm-hearted people like you who understand the importance of social and emotional cancer support — and who want to make sure it’s available for anyone in our community affected by cancer.

There are so many ways that you can support CSCGP and your neighbors affected by cancer, including:


Our website makes online giving easy, and you can also mail a check (made out to “Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia”) to us at 200 Kirk Road, Warminster, PA 18974.

Read why one of our members, Jeff, choose to support CSCGP with a recurring monthly donation.  Automatic recurring donations are the best way to ensure ongoing steady support. Just click on the “Make a donation” button below, select the amount you wish to donate every month, then check the box labeled “Make this a monthly donation.”  You may change or cancel a recurring donation at any time.  Thank you!

If you do not wish to have your name published in our annual report list of donors or on our website thank you list of donors, please email

Support Our Events

From a Gala to a Basket Bingo, from a Golf Tournament to a Dog Walk, from a fashion show to a Monte Carlo Night, Cancer Support Community hosts a variety of fun ways to support the cause. Visit our event pages to learn about sponsorship opportunities, how you can register, how you can donate auction items, and more!

If you do not wish to have your name published in our annual report list of donors, or on our website thank you list of donors, please email


Legacy Giving

It takes a special person to plant a seed and grow a tree that will one day provide shade to those whom one may never meet. Your legacy gift ensures future generations will benefit from free cancer support services.

Tribute Gifts

Make a donation in honor or memory of your loved one (either through our website or by mail).

Or consider honoring or memorializing your loved one with a brick in either our Gilda’s Gazebo Garden or our Jean C. Holler Memorial Garden at Ridgeland. Information on our bricks opportunities is available on our Tribute Giving page.

If you do not wish your name or business name published in our annual report or listed as a donor on our website, please email

Special Funds

Contributing to a Special Fund is another way to support existing vital programs at CSCGP. Choose from several options to help continue the support in our community, or start a new special fund.

Shop for the Cause

You have to shop anyway, so why not direct a portion back to local families living with cancer? These vendors offer opportunities to designate a portion of what you spend as a donation to the Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia (and we love them for it!).

Shop CSCGP's Wishlist

Want to shop directly for what CSCGP needs? Thank you! You can visit our Amazon Wish List by clicking here.

Don’t shop Amazon?  Drop off items directly to one of our 2 main locations.  Wish list items includes gift cards to Staples, grocery stores, or Costco, forever stamps, paper towels, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and copy paper.

Shop L'Aurore Candle

Avery Graham will donate 100% of all L’Aurore candle proceeds to CSCGP this October.

Beth Cardarelli was truly inspired by her dear friend Nicole Schaeffer and her dedication to the CSCGP community and all of the miracles they have accomplished together.  In celebration of that sentiment, Karen Ballou, founder of Immunocologie and cancer survivor has created a unique massage candle that is also good for your skin. All proceeds will go directly to CSCGP.

Click here for more information and to purchase your candle today.

Add Your Business to this List

As a general rule, CSCGP is happy to list and link to businesses donating 10% or more of our community members’ purchases back to CSGCP, although the staff reviews every request individually and reserves the right to reject applications from businesses we believe don’t meet the needs of our community. To ask about adding your business, please contact Kathy O’Mara at

Businesses and Organizations

There are many ways businesses, organizations and your employees can support members of Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia. Click below for more information on how your business or organization can help.

Plan a Fundraiser

Have fun, spread the word about Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia, and raise money to support local families living with cancer. By hosting a fundraiser to support Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia, you’re doing all this — and we are so grateful to you for it!

What counts as a fundraiser? Pretty much anything! Our supporters have held birthday parties where the only presents accepted were donations to Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia. We’ve seen yard sales, barbecues, 5Ks, bowl-a-thons, make-up parties and more — all put on by wonderful members of our community who believe, like we do, that no one should have to face cancer alone.

Ready to get started?

Ask us how we can (and, unfortunately, how we can’t) help you with your fundraiser, see our tips for hosting and promoting a fundraiser, get the details on getting tax receipts and acknowledgement letters for your supporters — and more!

Then, please fill out our Planning Packet — to let us know about your fundraiser and your needs — and either fax it to 215.441.3295 or e-mail it to us at

We’ll be back in touch!

Thank you again so much for wanting to help local families living with cancer by hosting a fundraiser to benefit Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia!

Create a Special Fund

The Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia is a strong believer in donors’ rights to determine how their generous gifts should be used. You are always welcome to restrict your gifts — that is, to specify that they should be used to support a specific program, a specific group we serve, a specific community, etc.

Sometimes, however, donors want to go even further. They are so passionate about a particular aspect of the work we do or the people we serve that they want to commit to supporting that part of our program on an ongoing basis — and perhaps ask friends and family to do likewise — so that we can continue, or even expand, our work in that area.

And, if that desire is spurred by a loved one’s experience with cancer, they might also be looking for a means to honor or memorialize their loved one.

Why is Starting a Special Fund at CSCGP a Great Option?

You choose the purpose of your fund — and what it will support. While the fund must, of course, support some aspect of Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia’s mission, you can choose that aspect. Want to expand our yoga programming? Increase our outreach to low-income communities? Expand our offerings for children affected by cancer? Go for it!

Others can make tax-deductible donations to your cause through your fund. Because CSCGP is a registered non-profit and donations to us can be tax-deductible, donations to your fund — to your cause within our cause — can be tax-deductible. So you can fundraise away (or ask family and friends to make birthday gifts to your fund) knowing that they’ll have the same tax options they would in supporting any other charity. If you’d like, we’ll even set up an online giving form on our website specifically for your fund so that we can accept credit card donations.

You can choose a name for your fund. Naming a special fund after a loved one is a beautiful way to honor or memorialize them. You can also go with something symbolic (such as The Hope Fund) or something that underscores, say, your company’s support of the cause (The Bob’s Garage Fund to Support Families With Cancer).

Essentially, starting a special fund gives you the flexibility of starting your own charity — without any of the administrative work or costs.


So What Do We Ask In Return?

Please keep your fund’s purpose as broad as possible. We appreciate being able to give our team of social workers as much flexibility as possible in meeting the needs of our community. If you restrict your fund to, say, supplies for a lung cancer support group, we may find ourselves with enough funding for years of journals, pens, food, etc. — but no funding to get a support group facilitator and actually hold the group.

Please keep your fund’s purpose constant. People donating to your fund are doing so with the understanding that they are supporting your funds stated purpose. In effect, they’re restricting their gifts for that purpose. It wouldn’t be fair or ethical for that purpose to then be changed and their gifts used for something else.

Please discuss with us up front what your fund will and will not support. For example, it is important for us to know specifically what we can or cannot purchase with the funds you have raised.

Please understand that we will not be fundraising on your fund’s behalf — or engaging in marketing around it. CSCGP’s Special Funds exist to help you easily raise funds to support a specific aspect of our mission that’s important to you. We cannot actually solicit our supporters on your behalf (or furnish you with the information to do so) and we cannot commit to running any kind of media or other marketing efforts around it.

Please commit to raising or donating at least $5,000 a year. Because our staff will be doing a certain amount of administrative work to maintain your fund’s account, keep records of what your fund supported, and maintain a webpage about your fund (and an online giving form for it), we do ask that you raise or donate at least $5,000 a year to your fund.



If you think you might want to start a special fund, please contact us at